Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm an INFJ, what are you?

Side note: I've got a lot to say about a lot of stuff, but it's been difficult to get myself to sit down and write. I'm learning that it takes discipline and practice. So look forward to several posts coming up soon!

Book Review & Discussion!
About a week or so I finished a very intriguing book, Introverts in the Church, which I read because I am an introvert and in the church, and based on the recommendation of another introvert and who has the same birthday as me, Nettie, at Nothing but Nettie - check out her review and blog!

My background in psychology has always had me interested in personality studies and I'm always up for learning more about myself and the way we behave. One such theory about personality is that by famous psychologists Jung, Briggs, and Myers for categorizing people into different personality types based on one's degree of 4 different aspects:
  • Extroverted vs Introverted - one's energy source
  • Sensing vs Intuitive - one's information source
  • Thinking vs Feeling - one's decision-making process
  • Judging vs Perceiving - one's daily lifestyle
According to the quiz I took, I'm an INFJ - introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging.
Check out this page for more information on the test itself and here for more information on the different personality types. And take the test yourself if you don't already know your type HERE! And remember, all types are equally as valid. And please come back and share!

Anyway, back on the topic of the book ... I found it to be like reading my thoughts on the page. Sociability does not equal spirituality. Oftentimes, being around a lot of people is kind of mentally exhausting - not that I don't like people, because I do, it just takes energy. I like to reflect, and write, and think about things, mulling them over before sharing. I also get nervous when speaking under pressure, and my mind feels like it goes blank. The book had a lot of good information about small groups, retreats/events, and even typical church services, with many suggestions for incorporating more introverted-friendly pauses or activities. Simple things, like a reflection time or individual prayer or study times, or the pressure not to have to do every activity or type of outreach. It talked a lot about cultivating your own relationship with God and with close friends, and ways of using your skills to reach out to people and those within the church in your own way - I very much agree!

And check out his blog, Introverted Church if you are interested in learning more, and about more varied topics like various professions, parenting (no, I'm not a parent, but I still find it fascinating to read about), etc, and I would recommend that everyone reads the book, either to learn more about yourself or about others and how to love them well.

What's your personality type and thoughts on this topic? Have you heard or thought of this before? Is what you are doing in the church and in the rest of your life reflective of your strengths, no matter what they are?


  1. Just took the test and looks like I'm an ENFJ (56, 12, 12, 33) - same as you, just 'extra' :)

  2. Every time I take these things I get a different result-- apparently I am very close to the middle on the first two (intro/extrovert and sensing/intuition) and can go either way depending on the day and test. I do pretty much always get T and J tho, so at least I know that! These things always fascinate me :)

    Good to see you back at the blogging, btw!

  3. thanks for sharing, guys! very interesting.
