Friday, March 25, 2011

So, this week, this non-profit in Kansas that I really like, Hospitals of Hope, posted a job opening on Facebook. They are a really cool Christian medical relief organization, and work mainly in Latin and South America. Their work is really similar to that of Global Links, the non-profit I work at here. So, I checked out the job requirements, and since they didn't require any experience, I sent in my resume! I got an email back, asking me for an additional writing sample - a blog post trying to raise support for a relief organization providing relief to Japan.

As a result, I began to research different relief organizations. I wanted something that was Christian, and had medical aid programs, since these are things I am passionate about. Somehow, I came upon Samaritan's Purse, an organization similar to Compassion and World Vision, which donates aid and supplies in Jesus' name. I am also really excited about their medical aid opportunities - they send many medical missionaries, and you can donate directly to this medical aid or in support of the medical missionaries. In addition, they send people directly out of residency into the mission field for 2 years - fully supported! Even if I don't get this job (now or ever), I am super excited about finding this out about Samaritan's Purse!! And their 'gift catalog' is so cool too!

I also just wanted to share the sample blog post I submitted (and encourage you to donate to Samaritan's Purse Japan aid fund!):

Blog for Samaritan’s Purse Aid Relief for Japan

On March 3, 2011, Japan experienced a devastating 9.0 earthquake which subsequently caused a tsunami. To date, there are over 24,000 people dead or missing. In addition, hundreds of thousands of people were displaced from their homes Japanese officials are estimating the damages to be up to US $309 billion dollars. The need for aid is astounding.

Samaritan’s Purse is a US-based international relief organization which gives aid in the name of Jesus Christ. They provide emergency relief, medical aid, education, and development programs to countries all across the globe. They are striving to fulfill Jesus’ call about the Good Samaritan who had mercy on his neighbor and showed him compassion: “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37 NIV). They recently donated 93 tons of aid to Japan, which was distributed toward local churches there. Through this, Samaritan’s Purse has been able to share the Good News about Jesus Christ with many people in Japan, providing them with hope in His kingdom which will never be shaken (Isaiah 54:9-10, Hebrews 12:28).

Will you act like a neighbor to Japan, showing them love and compassion through aid in Jesus’ name? Will you pray with us that God would use this to bring people to himself and heal both their physical and spiritual needs? Will you partner with Samaritan’s Purse in the mission of spreading Christ’s name throughout the globe? Will you give to further His kingdom which will not be shaken? To donate, please visit:

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